When You Work with ClearVoice, You Write for Tops Brands

The ClearVoice Talent Network is known for working with the top freelancers for hire  from writers and editors to designers and strategists. Join a community of proven professionals and receive consistent, well-paid freelance jobs with top brands over the long term.

Freelancer working with top brands through the Talent Network

Our freelancers work with:

Get Hired for Freelance Jobs You Love

When we accept you into the ClearVoice Talent Network, you get access to hundreds of clients with freelance jobs that need freelancers to step up their content production. Set up your CV profile to get started today!

Happy freelancing getting hired for freelance jobs

Strengthen your free CV Portfolio and use ClearVoice to help grow your business.

Join our Talent Network, where assignments will match your expertise and rate.

You decide your pay rate. Set your range to see assignments that meet your pay criteria.

In-app messaging allows you to chat with clients at any point in the creation process. This means fewer emails.

Get paid via PayPal upon assignment approval. Rest assured, you’ll get paid quickly — every time.

What It's Like to Work with ClearVoice

With over ten years marketing technology experience, my writing will bring you more site visitors and conversions.

Ben Beck
Copy Editor, Copy Writer

Angela Tague writes SEO web marketing content for major brands including Tom's of Maine, Lowe's Home Improvement and Purina.

Angela Tague
Ghost Writer, Photographer

Stacy Jackson is a digital marketing specialist with a passion for helping clients optimize their online presence to drive awareness and leads.

Stacy Jackson
Content Strategist, Copy Editor

I'm a whole-brain thinking, experienced professional communicator and award-winning business and finance journalist with business acumen and marketing fluency.

Dahna Chandler
Content Strategist, Ghost Writer

Lori is a Business to Millennial writer and Forbes Contributor. She specializes in productivity, online business, entrepreneurship, social media and content marketing.

Lori Hil
Copy Writer, Content Strategist

I settled into content writing but am also comfortable writing press releases, journalism and news articles, magazine articles, and sales and marketing copy.

Deevra Norling
Copy Writer, Ghost Writer

Showcase Your Best Work with a Free CV Portfolio

Customize Your CV

Organize your work, your way. Set up your CV with custom sections, headlines, images, PDFs, and personal branding.

Customizing CV on the platform to get freelance jobs

Add Your Specialties

Specify your top content marketing roles and industries. Tell the story behind every project and tag your work for us to better match you with online writing jobs.

Adding roles on the platform to get freelance jobs

Share on Any Device

Share your CV with potential clients, knowing it will display quickly and  beautifully on mobile, tablet, or desktop.

Get Hired by Top Brands

Strengthen your CV to gain access to the ClearVoice Talent Network and match with freelance jobs from the top brands.

Joining the Talent Network to get freelance jobs

Automate Your CV

We’ve made updating your CV with your latest work easy. We scan pubs for your byline and add them to your CV queue.

Automating your CV to get freelance jobs

Top Brands Are Waiting for You.


Frequently Asked Questions

To apply for the ClearVoice Talent Network, you must create a CV portfolio and complete at least 70% of the profile. Be sure to include the following:

  • A customized ClearVoice handle
  • A brief, informative Tagline
  • A minimum of 6 work samples
  • Your categories or areas of expertise
  • One or more Roles (Strategist, Editor, Writer, etc.)
  • Concise bio outlining what sets you apart from the crowd and how you can help prospective clients meet their business goals
  • An example of your previously-published content 
Once you create a CV, you can apply to join the ClearVoice Talent Network. ClearVoice matches clients’ assignments with freelancers in the Talent Network based on industry, pay rates, and experience.

When you work as a freelancer with a ClearVoice client, you will get paid via PayPal when your assignment is approved. No messy invoices or waiting periods.

A CV is a free, customizable portfolio you can use to get hired for freelance jobs. It’s also the first step to becoming a freelancer for hire in the ClearVoice Talent Network. CVs were built based on feedback from hundreds of freelancers looking for a better way to showcase their professional experience.

Claiming a CV is also the first step in joining the ClearVoice Talent Network. If you want to apply to be a ClearVoice freelancer, you’ll need to create a CV first. We constantly scan CVs in our network to find relevant freelance candidates who can fulfill the ongoing content needs of our clients.

ClearVoice uses a robust algorithm to crawl CVs and find freelancers qualified to work with our clients. That means the information you put on your CV is extremely important. The stronger your CV, the higher your chances that we’ll identify you as a good candidate.

To optimize your CV for our matching algorithm, you’ll want to do the following:

  • Tell us your roles, topics, and the content type(s) you produce (i.e., a Writer in Finance who creates eBooks)
  • Upload as many content examples as you can
  • Tag each piece of content with the primary role you played, category, and content type
  • Organize your content into sections to display the variety of your skillset
  • Add a bio, tagline, and connect your social profiles
  • Frequently update your CV and curate content we find from your publication queue