Not all content writers are the same.

They come in various specialists, each focused on specific types of writing to meet business goals and the needs of your audience. 

In this article, we’ll break down the different types of content writers, their unique skills, and the value they bring to your projects. 

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” -Lee Iacocca, Visionary Automaker

Understanding Each Content Writer Type

Understanding the diverse range of content writers can help you find the perfect fit for your content creation and strategy needs. Let’s dive into them. 

The Brand Journalist

The brand journalist serves as the brand’s spokesperson, ensuring each piece of content represents the brand’s voice and values. They also make sure each piece informs the audience while also building a strong emotional connection with them. 

“Content reflecting brand values is the top content type used in social media in 2022.” – Hubspot

Brand Journalist Content Projects:

  • Brand storytelling campaigns
  • Customer success stories
  • Behind-the-scenes content
  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Community engagement initiatives
  • Brand magazines and publications

Blog writers excel at creating informative and engaging content that drives conversions.

The Blog Writer

Blog writers excel at creating informative and engaging content that drives conversions. They’re extremely skilled at adapting their style to fit various formats and ensuring each piece aligns with your brand’s voice and tone. 

“80% of bloggers reported strong results in 2023.” – Orbit Media

Blog Writer Content Projects:

  • Niche blog stories
  • How-to guides and tutorials
  • Product reviews and comparison
  • Interviews and expert insights
  • Listicles and infographics content 
  • Personal stories and experiences

Copywriters create content designed to entice the reader to take action

The Copywriter

Copywriters create content designed to entice the reader to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. They ensure every word is purposeful and focused on driving measurable results that impact your bottom line. 

“Copywriting was the third most outsourced content creation service in 2022.” – Statista

Copywriter Content Projects:

  • Advertising copy
  • Product descriptions
  • Brochures and sales materials
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Social media posts
  • Conversion-oriented blog posts

Ghostwriters conduct thorough research on a topic

The Ghostwriter

Ghostwriters conduct thorough research on a topic, often working closely with the credited author, to accurately capture their experiences, viewpoints, and insights. They’re pros at blending their writing expertise with an author’s unique voice. 

“50% to as much as 90% of bestselling nonfiction books have been written with the help of a ghostwriter.” – UK Ghostwriter

Ghostwriter Content Projects:

  • Autobiographies and memoirs
  • Thought leadership articles
  • Business books and manuals
  • Speeches and keynote addresses
  • Blog posts and online articles
  • Technical writing

The Technical Writer

Technical writers distill complex information into clear, concise content that’s accessible to all types of users, regardless of their technical background. They have a meticulous approach to research and documentation that ensures accuracy, consistency, and clarity across your technical content. 

“From 2022 to 2023, employment of technical writers is projected to grow by 7%, faster than the average for all occupations.” – U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Technical Writer Content Projects

  • User guides
  • Online knowledge bases
  • Glossaries and help sections
  • Technical reports
  • Training manuals
  • API documentation and developer guides

Long-form content writers create comprehensive, in-depth content

The Long-Form Writer

Long-form content writers create comprehensive, in-depth content, typically at least 1,000 words. They specialize in creating comprehensive narratives that resonate, driving higher engagement, and establishing authority. 

“Articles between 2,000 and 4,000 words get more engagement than shorter articles.” – Chartbeat

Long-Form Writer Content Projects:

  • White papers
  • eBooks
  • Case studies
  • Research reports
  • In-depth blog posts and articles
  • Feature stories

Scriptwriters bring stories to life

The Scriptwriter

Scriptwriters bring stories to life – on platforms like television, movies, commercials, and video games. The best scriptwriters possess a unique blend of creativity and technical skill that helps them transform concepts into memorable visual and auditory experiences. 

“A video script writer typically earns between 10% and 20% of the video’s total production costs.” – AWAI

Scriptwriter Content Projects:

  • Stage plays and musicals
  • Film scripts
  • Online web series
  • Scripted podcast episodes
  • Scripts for advertising spots
  • Voiceover scripts for documentaries

The Email and Social Media Writer

The Email and Social Media Writer

They create email and social media content that encourages audiences to take action, considering each platform’s limitations and strengths. Their goal is to amplify your message across distribution platforms, driving engagement and conversions. 

“About 75% of marketers use email newsletters to distribute content.” – Content Marketing Institute

Email and Social Media Writer Projects: 

  • Email: newsletters, welcome series, promotional emails, abandoned cart emails, educational series, and re-engagement campaigns
  • Social media: engagement posts, informative posts, behind-the-scenes content, user-generated content, storytelling posts, and clear promotional posts 

Incorporate Diverse Writing Talents Into Your Content Strategy

Leveraging the unique skills of various writers enriches your content strategy. By mixing and matching talents, you can optimize content creation for maximum impact. 

Whether you need compelling blog posts, persuasive email campaigns, or engaging social media content, we have expert, proven writers to match your needs and budget.  

To learn more, talk to a content strategist today.