Two common marketing goals are to drive engagement and build trust with your audience. But achieving those goals depends on how authentic and relatable your brand is.

Customer stories are a great way to showcase your brand and solutions through genuine voices that resonate with your audience.

Let’s break down the top goals aligned with incorporating customer stories into your marketing strategy.

The Top Goals for Incorporating Customer Stories

Here are the best marketing goals that customer stories can help you achieve.

Goal #1: Humanize Your Brand

Letting your customers talk on your behalf makes you sound more human than corporate.

Take the time to interview your customers and capture stories that provide social proof for your product or services and provide a unique take on what your business offers.

Remember, customer stories provide both an emotional connection and a refreshing perspective in a marketplace often saturated with calls to action.

Goal #2: Cement Your Thought Leadership

Establishing thought leadership is essential for brands looking to differentiate themselves in a crowded landscape.

Ensure your content resonates with your customers by fostering an open dialogue through surveys, social media engagement, user-generated content, and direct conversations.

Ask yourself:

  • What are the recurring issues your audience faces?
  • What kind of information are they seeking?
  • How do they prefer to consume this information?

Goal #3: Increase Engagement

The savviest companies avoid constant sales pitches, opting instead to craft engaging, shareable content that captivates and retains audience attention.

Human interest stories with real-life results go a long way in bolstering your credibility and attracting diverse audiences who may not have a previous connection with your products or services.


  • Spotify’s Year in Review
  • Superbowl Commercials that make you cry
  • Real-life before and after photos of people whose lives were changed by the product

Goal #4: Expand your Social Media Strategy

Avoid the temptation to be a social billboard, just tossing up posts left and right. Instead, network and connect with your past, current, and potential customers in real-time.

Focus your goals on highlighting unseen parts of your business through customer stories that put a human face on your products and services, creating a deeper audience investment in your brand.

Goal #5: Create Stronger Relationships

Most people enjoy being in the limelight, but only a few ever get the chance to shine.

When you reach out to a loyal customer and explain your desire to share and feature their experiences, chances are they’ll be thrilled. That further strengthens your relationship with them and increases the potential for referrals.

Need Help Leveraging Your Customer Stories?

Remember, each customer story is a testament to your brand’s impact on individuals. By leveraging them, you’re not only showcasing your success, you’re building a brand that resonates with your customers.

Need support getting your customer stories written? We’ve got you! Get in touch with ClearVoice today to start the conversation.