Since the first settlers ventured “across the pond” and took up residence in the United States, American life has been diverging from its British origins.
English-speaking Americans quickly began to have a range of new experiences that didn’t exist in Great Britain, interacting with Native Americans and immigrants from other countries.
Over centuries, the language began to diverge, leaving us with a few significant spelling differences between British English and American English. Let’s take a look at American versus English words.
American vs. English words
Some words have two different spellings — one that’s used more commonly in American English and one that’s more prevalent in British English. Take a look at the American versus English words below to learn which variant you should use.
Most spelling differences in British versus American English occur in suffixes. One of the commonly known distinctions is the British addition of the letter U into words that end in –or, but there are several others.
-or vs. -our
American: color, humor, flavor
British: colour, humour, flavour
-er vs. -re
Am: theater, center, liter
Br: theatre, centre, litre
-ize vs. -ise
Am: incentivize, apologize, organize
Br: incentivise, apologise, organize
-yze vs. -yse
Am: analyze, paralyze
Br: analyse, paralyse
-ense vs. -ence
Am: defense, license, offense
Br: defence, licence, offence
Extra letters
The American writing style often opts for fewer letters, while the British writing style often doubles letters or adds extra vowels.
Double L
Am: traveled, canceled, traveling, canceling
Br: travelled, cancelled, travelling, cancelling
Double vowels
British English has many spellings that use ae or oe vowels to achieve a certain sound. American English tends to use only the e.
Am: estrogen, pediatric
Br: oestrogen, paediatric
Aside from spelling differences, there are a few common distinctions between American versus English words, grammar, and punctuation as well. Correct punctuation is imperative for everyone — from business owners to content marketers.
American vs. British punctuation differences
In order to ensure your punctuation is always impeccable no matter the continent you’re writing on, let’s talk about a few common British vs. American English punctuation differences.
For quotations, American style uses double quotes. If a quotation occurs inside another quotation, American style uses single quotes.
Ex: “I was talking to my sister yesterday, and suddenly she says, ‘What if I dye my hair purple?’ I was shocked.”
British style flips this around. For quotations, British writing style uses single quotes, while American writing style uses double quotes for quotations inside other quotations.
Ex: ‘I was talking to my sister yesterday, and suddenly she says “What if I dye my hair purple?” I was shocked’.
In British style, periods and commas are placed outside of the quotation marks if it is not part of the original quote. American style puts these punctuation marks inside the quotation marks, whether they are part of the quote or not.
Times and titles
American style opts for a colon between hours and minutes when writing time, while British style uses a period.
Am: The train arrives at 11:11.
Br: The train arrives at 11.11.
For courtesy titles such as Ms. or Mr., American style uses a period, while British does not.
Now that you know the difference between American versus English words and punctuation, you can ensure your content is error-free.
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