Every day the average email user receives 147 messages, half of which get deleted in under five minutes.

To make the most of your sales emails, here are three tried and tested frameworks and why they work.

The Top Three Frameworks for Sales Emails

Follow these three frameworks to craft sales emails that deliver and increase your chances of making a successful connection with your prospects.

Framework #1: Sales Introduction

Reaching out to someone who doesn’t know you can be nerve-wracking. Doubly so if you’re trying to sell them something. Your sales introduction is the very first email you send to a prospect or lead and it should include the following components:

  • Compelling subject line
  • Greeting tailored to the situation
  • Opening line that’s all about the recipient
  • Brief introduction of who you are and why you’re reaching out
  • A valuable offer (e.g., a helpful piece of content)
  • Call to action (CTA)

This method is effective because it gives your prospect a reason to engage with you, showcases your expertise, and gives them the next steps to take when they want to move the conversation forward.

Sales Intro Example

“Hello Elena,

I’m inspired by the work you’ve done in customer success, not to mention your unique career path.

I saw your recent article on managing surges in support tickets and had to reach out. I’ve helped companies like yours easily manage accelerated support tickets, which has contributed toward as much as 40% growth in as few as three months – this case study illustrates how.

If you’re interested in learning how to implement some of these strategies in your team, I’d love to share more. Here’s a link to my calendar [insert link].”

Framework #2: Follow Up

Not receiving an answer doesn’t mean they’re not interested. It’s always a good idea to follow up.

A sales follow-up email should include the following elements:

  • Compelling subject line
  • The original message, including any attachments
  • Opening line that provides context
  • Personalized message that’s short, engaging, and clearly states its purpose
  • CTA

Focus on being specific, brief, and genuine. Follow-up emails can also be sent after a meeting, a networking event, to say thank you, or to correct a mistake in a previous email.

Follow Up Example

“Hi Ginny,

It was a pleasure talking with you about Winger’s website goals today.

I’ve attached the slides from our call in case you or anyone else wants to review what we discussed.

I’m sure you’re still in research mode, so I’m also including a few resources to help you determine wither ActionAble is right for you:

  • Browse our portfolio here
  • Watch 75+ video testimonials here
  • Check out our G2 reviews here

Any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out!”

Framework #3: Referral

Referrals are proven to be more loyal, spend more money, and are 30 percent more likely to convert. But how do you go about asking your customers for referrals without sounding too awkward or pushy?

Your sales referral email (or refer-a-friend email) should include the following:

  • A strong subject line
  • Information about your business
  • Characteristics you’re looking for in a referral
  • Specific reasons for recommending your products or services
  • Referral incentive
  • CTA

This framework is designed to make sure your email is relevant to the target audience,
clearly states the incentives, and explains why your company is referral-worthy.

Referral Example

“Hello Elena,

Did you know it’s been four years since we started working together? Time sure does fly!

We hope your business will continue to flourish in the next year and we’ll be here, supporting your growth with a wide range of cross-border payment services and tools.

Spread the word and get $25!

Invite your friends who do international business to sign up for Payoneer, and you’ll get $25 USH for every new person who signs up and receives payments.”

Ready To Up Your Email Game?

These high-converting frameworks will boost conversions and compel your recipients to take action.

If you’re ready to elevate your email copywriting game to the next level, connect with a content strategy expert today.