When you work with ClearVoice, you get access to thousands of proven freelancers specializing in over 200 business categories.

Whether you need product descriptions that help convert or highly technical white papers to educate your customers, we can connect you with the right freelancers to produce quality content for your brand.

The ClearVoice Process

Let’s dive into how you can experience seamless content creation with ClearVoice’s expert freelancers.

Talent Matching

The ClearVoice process starts with talent matching as soon as a freelancer applies to join our network.

Every writer who applies to our network fills out a portfolio where they submit their experience, credentials, and work portfolio. We call this their CV.

Through our expert Talent Managers, we:

  • Review their CV Portfolio & content
  • Confirm their rates per word and per piece
  • Confirm their identity via Zoom
  • Verify their published works
  • Verify their industries of expertise

Building Your Content Team

When it’s time to build your freelance team, our Talent Managers then match you with the best creators available for your content type and industry. It’s that easy!

We start by selecting writers with experience in your industry. Our industries include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Healthcare
  • Legal
  • Business
  • Lifestyle & Customer
  • Real Estate
  • Education
  • Software & Technology
  • Finance
  • Travel & Adventure

And, when needed, we further narrow down by sub-category.

For example, Software & Technology could break into:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud computing
  • Software Engineering
  • AI & Machine Learning

Next, we look at your content level to determine whether you need more of an industry generalist or a subject matter expert. Keep in mind all of our creators are pros at what they do, but different freelancers have different skill sets based on the needs of the content.

Example Content Types:

  • Level 1: Basic blog posts designed to drive top-of-funnel SEO
  • Level 2: Simple how-to-content, product descriptions, and FAQ’s
  • Level 3: Professional articles, eBooks, and Case Studies
  • Level 4: Technical eBooks, White papers
  • Level 5: Highly technical content of all types

Finally, we take into account the type of content. We know different content types require different approaches, from the amount of research to how technical the writing needs to be. This helps us select candidates who best suit your needs:

  • Articles & Blogs
  • Infographics
  • Video Scripts
  • eBooks & White Pages
  • Product Descriptions
  • Social Media Copy
  • Email Copy
  • Ad & Promo Copy
  • Case Studies
  • Website & Landing Pages
  • Sales Collateral

And will support the goals of your marketing strategy, such as:

  • Attraction Content
    • Research: Low
    • Technical Need: Low
    • Top of Funnel
  • Conversion Content
    • Research: Medium
    • Technical Need: Some
    • Middle of Funnel
  • Authoritative Content
    • Research: High
    • Technical Need: High
    • Middle and Bottom of Funnel

From there, we can filter by types of writers, years of experience, SEO knowledge, rate, brand fit, and availability. Ultimately, leading us to the perfect freelancer or freelancers ready to create content for your brand:

  • Copywriter
  • Copy Editor
  • Ghost Writer
  • SEO Specialist
  • Technical Writer
  • Blog Writer

And if a writer on your team underperforms or leaves, we can replace them immediately, eliminating any hiccups in your content production flow.

A Partner For All Your Content Needs

Whether you want to enhance brand recognition, simplify complex product or service concepts, or establish your authority, our ClearVoice freelancers are ready to tackle all your content needs.

Talk to a content specialist today to see how the ClearVoice Process can elevate your content creation.