Marketing to Baby Boomers is more lucrative than you think.

Despite being overtaken by millennials as the largest generation, Baby Boomers still hold the most buying power. They also adopted the online shopping and content consumption habits of younger generations, making them prime targets for businesses in food, fashion, health, and even luxury niches.

In this guide, we’ll talk about the nuts and bolts of marketing to Baby Boomers.

Baby Boomer demographics

Baby Boomer demographics: Who are boomers?

The Baby Boomer market is individuals born between 1946 and 1964. They were the largest living adult generation in the last century until Millennials out-populated them in 2019.

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Baby Boomers hold a considerable chunk of the spending power, particularly in developed countries. And with the vast majority of them enjoying retirement, they’re more financially equipped to survive the rockiness of the world economy.

Why do you need to market to Baby Boomers?

Apart from their buying power and share of the world population, below are three additional reasons businesses should market to Baby Boomers.

1. They spend a lot of time online

Marketing to boomers on social media is more profitable than ever. According to statistics, Baby Boomers who are 60 to 64 spend 71 minutes per day on Facebook and Instagram. That decreases to 54 minutes per day for Boomers who are 65 and up.

2. They are regular online shoppers

Tons of studies observe the burgeoning online spending habits of the Baby Boomer marketing segmentation. While Gen Z and Millennials are toning down their spending, Baby Boomers are living it up. And with their population size, social media activity, and roughly $2.6 trillion in buying power, the Baby Boomer market remains a high priority for businesses.

3. They’re willing to spend

Baby Boomers are either retired or approaching retirement. That means they have more time and money to spend on their hobbies and interests.

Growing up in a world of airline miles, vouchers, and punch cards, boomers are also known for their brand loyalty.

They’re far less likely to pick a different brand once they find a reliable company that rewards loyalty with discounts, freebies, and other benefits. Data on consumer spending by generation reveals that boomers are interested in the following niches:

How to market to Baby Boomers

How to market to Baby Boomers: 9 content strategies to consider

Here are nine content marketing tips to remember when targeting Baby Boomers:

1. Write simple and straightforward content

Many marketers fine-tune their content strategy to the preferences of modern users. They’re conversational, humorous, and often use slang to connect with their audience.

These strategies don’t work with Baby Boomers.

Don’t use abbreviations and memes designed for younger people. Instead, use clear, insightful, and readable content to make your message digestible to boomers.

Bullet points, subheadings, and plenty of white space make content more readable. You should also avoid writing long sentences and tightly packed paragraphs to help boomers stay locked in.

The Hemingway Editor is a free writing assistant that optimizes the readability of content. Paste your draft and review the suggestions on the right panel before posting.

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2. Promote videos on YouTube

Baby Boomers love video content.

It’s estimated that one out of three boomers learns about products or services on YouTube, while 68% regularly watch videos for entertainment. Furthermore, boomers are 1.3 times more likely to refer to YouTube tutorials than written instructions.

To create compelling videos for boomers, be flexible with YouTube video formats.

Just because the “talking head” format works for your Millennial and Gen Z viewers doesn’t mean it’ll keep boomers engaged. Incorporate visuals such as charts, lists, and text overlays to help them keep up with the video’s pace.

Below are a few tips on how to develop a YouTube strategy for boomers:

  • Create shopping guides and reviews for high-ticket items (cars, appliances, fine wine, etc.).
  • Share well-structured videos with clear and informative visuals.
  • Use easy-to-consume video formats like top 10 lists and tutorials.

To figure out which type of video content will resonate with your audience, track the engagement your videos generate.

Audience engagements act as social validation.

If you consistently get significant likes, comments, and shares out of how-to videos while you get very little to no response from review-type videos, it should tell you to ditch the reviews and create more how-to pieces of content.

3. Build a solid Facebook presence

Statistics show that 78% of boomers use Facebook as their go-to social media platform.

Facebook is a versatile content distribution platform. You can promote blog posts, images, videos, downloadable resources—anything that piques the interest of boomers.

Be sure to share content that speaks to the Baby Boomer persona. Focus on price for value, write slow-paced explanations, and use videos whenever possible.

To improve conversions, offer discounts and gift cards. Go to your Facebook business page, click ‘Create post,’ and select ‘Get gift card purchases’ from the “Add” menu.

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Baby Boomers are more likely to purchase gift cards than younger generations. With Facebook’s gift card feature, you’re giving Baby Boomers something they like on a platform they love.

4. Optimize for mobile

Most Baby Boomers rely on smartphones to browse the internet and use social media apps. Boomers may not be as proficient as Millennials and Gen Zers on smaller screens, but 70% are curious about new technology and not afraid or intimidated to use it.

Don’t make them feel left out; create a consistent content experience across devices. Use PageSpeed Insights to check your website’s speed.

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Follow these golden rules to optimize your content for mobile users:

  • Space out clickable (or ‘tappable’) elements to prevent accidental presses.
  • Use large fonts to compensate for the smaller display.
  • Plan how your content will look on a vertical (portrait mode) layout.
  • Create multi-page experiences for conversion actions (subscriptions, purchases, etc.).
  • Avoid using images or screenshots with small text.

5. Mention pricing ASAP

Although Baby Boomers have a lot of buying power, they are a price-conscious generation. They may be willing to spend more on high-ticket items, but they’re practical when it comes to everything else.

Research shows that 62% of boomers consider price as the biggest motivator in driving brand loyalty.

When writing product copy or reviews, put pricing information above the fold. Use a graphic, pricing table, bulleted list, or clickable Table of Contents to help boomers find pricing information fast.

You can also generate more leads and increase conversions by offering discount codes in exchange for their email addresses.

6. Align your value propositions with their needs

Baby Boomers care about health, personal finances, and hobbies appropriate for their age—from travel to gardening.

Find ways to align your value propositions with these areas even if you’re in a different industry. Look for overlapping benefits like:

  • Improved health.
  • Cost-effectiveness.
  • Save time (so you can spend more time on hobbies).

Another strategy is to form partnerships with brands or influencers that exclusively target seniors.

Launch collaborative promotions like guest posts, special affiliate codes, interview posts, and limited edition products.

7. Use memes the right way

Some memes created for Gen Zers and Millennials don’t resonate with boomers. But that doesn’t mean they hate memes altogether.

Baby Boomers have a specific taste in memes. They like comic strips, wholehearted inspirational quotes, nostalgic photos, and jokes or quotes with a cute character in the background.

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Use memes to get Baby Boomers to share your content. They’re also easy to use in listicles and social media posts.

8. Don’t describe them as old

Authoritative brands and publications rarely refer to Baby Boomers as just “old.” Instead, they use phrases like “ages 55 and up,” “army veterans,” or “active adults.”

This simple change in language can help marketers build rapport and win the respect of the Baby Boomer market. Both are important to build buyer confidence, trust, and loyalty.

9. Be careful with your images

Don’t use images that portray boomers as fragile, unhappy, or inactive. These come off as condescending and offensive, especially since boomers are known for their sense of self-reliance.

If you need to use photos of boomers, use images that show them having fun, being energetic, and showing confidence. This cultivates positivity towards your content offerings and your brand in general.

6 examples of brands doing Baby Boomer content marketing

Now that you know the best practices in marketing to Baby Boomers, below are 6 examples for inspiration:

1. T-Mobile

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T-Mobile refers to boomers with the term “55+” in their content marketing. They also use positive imagery to make the boomer segment feel more comfortable and confident transacting with them.

2. Hudson Meats

Image Source:, @HudsonMeats

Hudson Meats incorporated clear messaging, readable fonts, and a discount offer to generate conversions from Baby Boomers. It’s a straightforward promotion that brands from any niche can borrow.

3. Lori Michiel Fitness

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Lori Michiel Fitness is a popular and well-respected fitness blog for active adults. The blog uses positive language, images, and truckloads of informative fitness content that address the boomer market’s pain points.

4. Vodafone

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Vodafone’s “Singing Senior” ad may be old, but it’s one of the first marketing content that showcases boomers being comfortable with technology. The promotion was made in partnership with Spotify to highlight what the platform offers the boomer marketing segment.

5. Nomadic Matt

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Matthew Kepnes did an excellent job creating boomer-targeted content in his piece: “The Best Travel Insurance Companies for Seniors.” In the blog post, he used positive imagery and covered two sectors that boomers care deeply about — travel and financial security.


Image Source:, is a fitness and lifestyle brand that successfully penetrated the boomer market segment. They promoted their free at-home fitness sessions through Instagram with positive imagery and language like “regulars over 50 years of age.”

FAQs about Baby Boomer marketing

1. How to market to Baby Boomers?

Top content marketing tips when targeting boomers:

  • Write clear content.
  • Promote videos on YouTube.
  • Build and grow your Facebook presence.
  • Optimize for mobile users.
  • Highlight pricing information.
  • Align value propositions with boomers’ needs.
  • Don’t use negative language and imagery.

2. How big is the Baby Boomer market?

Baby Boomers were the biggest adult population until 2019. There are currently 72 million boomers in the U.S. with a collective buying power of $2.6 trillion.

3. How do Baby Boomers affect marketing?

Baby Boomers hold significant buying power, a large share of the population, and spending habits that are increasingly online. Their willingness to spend and stay loyal to proven brands make them a great target market for businesses.

4. What products are marketed to Baby Boomers?

Several product categories are popular among boomers, including wine, healthcare products, appliances, and books. They’re also a huge market in the travel and luxury industries.

5. Why is generational marketing important?

Generational marketing strategies allow businesses to tailor their messaging to the values, preferences, and goals of different age groups. It relies on a deep understanding of a generation’s content preferences, spending habits, and go-to devices.

6. What do boomers value the most?

Baby Boomers value practical pricing, stability, dependability, and clear plus comprehensive information. These are the qualities they associate with, which is why they prefer brands that reflect similar values.

Ace your Baby Boomer marketing strategy

Ace your Baby Boomer marketing strategy

Baby Boomer content marketing has its own unique flavor.

If you’re running generic content marketing campaigns, then you need to tweak your messaging, visual content strategy, value propositions, and distribution strategies.

Instead of spending countless hours trying your hand at generational marketing, focus on your business.

Allow our team of seasoned content marketing experts to develop your Baby Boomer content marketing strategy from the ground up.

Use the form below to discuss your Baby Boomer-focused content marketing campaign with one of our content experts.